Faculty of Information and Applied Technologies


The Faculty of Information and Applied Technologies of Vasyl’ Stus DonNU has united specialties, the purpose of which is to train specialists of computer-oriented environment, ready to work with information. Strengthening the interdisciplinary component and the practical component of educational programs involves the application of knowledge acquired by students to collect, structure, design, analyze, process, edit information, store and disseminate it, as well as present the object in digital form. The latest technologies in teaching are effectively intertwined with ancient traditions established by the first departments of the Faculty of Mathematics – the basis of modern FIAT



The Faculty of Information and Applied Technologies is one of the oldest faculties of Vasyl’ Stus DonNU, which grew and developed together with the university, went through the same stages of historical evolution …

The Faculty of Information and Applied Technologies was established by the order of the Rector of DonNU named after Vasyl Stus dated August 28, 2019 №294 / 05.

Faculty structure:

    • Department of Applied Mathematics and Cybersecurity
    • Department of Information Technology
    • Department of Management Information Systems
    • Department of Political Science and Public Administration
    • Department of Journalism and Social Communications

Bachelor’s Degree

It is an educational qualification level of a person who has obtained basic higher education (on the basis of complete general secondary education), fundamental and special skills and knowledge regarding the generalized object of work (activity), sufficient to fulfill the tasks and duties (activities) of a certain level of professional activity, intended for primary positions in a particular activity.

Master’s Degree

A master’s degree is an educational and qualification level of a specialist who has acquired profound special knowledge and innovative research skills (on the basis of a Bachelor’s Degree), has a certain experience with their application and production of knowledge for solving problematic professional issuess in a certain field.

Student government

Head of the Department of Cultural and Mass Work

Viktor Sulima

Acting Chairman of the Student Council

Anton Verkhovyi


Deputy Chairman of the Student Council

Mariia Laptieva


Head of the Scientific Department

Mariia Maievska


Head of the project department

Anastasiia Borysiuk


Head of the social and household department

Anastasiia Umanska

Head of the sports and mass department

Nikita Panas


Head of the information department

Denys Kalko



Department of Applied Mathematics and Cybersecurity

Provides training for specialists in specialties 111 “Mathematics”, in the specialty 125 “Cybersecurity and information protection”, in the specialty 105 “Applied Physics and Nanomaterials”, and 014.04 “Secondary education. Mathematics”

Department of Information Technology


Provides training for specialists in the specialty 122 “Computer Science”



Department of Political Science and Public Administration


Since 1992, the department has been training specialists in the fields of political science, public policy and administration, which have become new for Vinnytsia region.


Department of Journalism and Social Communications

Provides training for specialists in the specialty 061 “Journalism”.


Department of Management Information


The department is a graduation for students majoring in 029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs” educational programs “Documentation and Information Activity” and “Documentation and Information Support of Management”.